Tuesday, 31 May 2011

New Beginnings - Elsa Bodi and Alice

A momet that we will always remember is when we went to Junsele in the north of Sweden. It was fun and everybody was very happy. Our class became united in a way and we will always remember when Knut fell into the water. 
The most important things that we have learnt from our time in school are courage, tolerance, patience, how to spell and read and take responsibility, 
A sense of humor, a playful mind and a sense of direction are qualities that we hope to keep.
Thank you for this year!

New Beginnings

Well, only days to go before you end your time at compulsory school. Upper secondary school awaits you. I hope you all get to where you want to be. It has been a privelege to get to know you a little.

For your final writing task, I'd like you to write down three things:
  1. A moment you will always remember from school 
  2. The most important thing you have learnt from your time in school
  3. What quality that you have now do you hope you will never lose.
Good luck.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Current Affairs Listening

Today we are going to practise listening and also look at some of the language used to describe news events. Here are your instructions.

1. You will soon listen to the BBC World Service five-minute news bulletin. What stories do you think will come up?

2. What words do you think you will hear when you listen to the bulletin?

3. Listen here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/audioconsole/?stream=news_bulletin

4. What stories came up? What good words did you hear? Listen again to check.

5. Compare with a classmate.

6. Listen again.